Top Menu
Quickly start your time tracker, see important notifications and access your account.
Last updated
Quickly start your time tracker, see important notifications and access your account.
Last updated
After logging into your Kosmo account, you'll notice a white top menu. Here, you can see the title of your current opened page, track time, see notifications and access your account via your profile picture.
For more information on how to track time, click here.
The little bell in your top menu will let you know whenever a client signed a contract, accepted a proposal, or paid an invoice.
The bell will be blue and have a little red circle next to it. Click the bell to see the notification and click the eye icon to mark the notification as seen.
In the top right corner, you'll see your profile picture. The robot image is randomly generated. You can change the picture in your settings. Click the robot to access your settings, features vote, or to logout. Add your improvement ideas for the Kosmo platform or see what other users are thinking by clicking features vote. Here, you can vote on user-submitted features or add your own feature requests.
You can start your time tracker on any page by clicking "Track Time" in the top menu. After clicking the button, you can choose a project and a task for this timed session. When you choose a project from the drop-down menu, you'll only see tasks that are connected to this project. You can also add a new task, by clicking the + icon. If you don't choose a task, you can still give this timed session a title to find it easier in your timesheet. By default, the session will be called "untitled work session". Click the "start" button. You'll notice that the time starts counting in the top right corner. You can always keep track of the timer in the top menu, regardless of which page on Kosmo you're on. To stop the time tracker, click the button. You'll receive a notification to let you know that your timed session was saved and can be found under the time tracker menu item.