
Keep track of all of your to-dos.

Tasks Overview

After clicking on Tasks you'll see a list of all tasks you're created that are currently active. The list includes the task name, a button to start time tracking, the project name the task is for, and due date if you added one. You can also click on the three buttons to edit or delete a task and to mark a task as complete. Another, quicker way to mark a task as complete, is by clicking the light grey square next to the task name. By holding and dragging the three lines on the left side, you can re-arrange the task list.

You can see all tasks or see tasks that are due today or tomorrow. Check out all your completed tasks by clicking the done filter. You also have the option to filter by project. To find a certain task quickly, use the search bar on the top right.

If a task is due today you'll see a blue bar next to the task, whereas a red line indicates that a task is overdue.

How to Add a Task

To add a new task, click the "Add Task" button. The only required input to create a task is a title. If this task belongs to a project, choose the project from the drop-down. Give the task a due date if you want to get this task done by a certain date. If your task is a recurring task, click the drop-down to choose the frequency, daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. You'll have to choose a due date to set the task as recurring. Add a note to add more information and details for the task. Finally, click "Add New Task" and your task will show on the all tasks list.

Track Time For a Task

Editing a Task

To edit a task, either click on the three dots on the right and click "edit", or click directly on the task title. You can edit the task name, choose a project, change a due date, and set a frequency of when to repeat the task. Enter a more detailed description if you'd like. On the top right, you'll see the time you tracked so far for this task. Click "Mark Complete" when you're done with the task, the trash can icon to delete the task, or "Save Changes" to save your edits.

Last updated