Create beautiful invoices and keep track of your income.
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Create beautiful invoices and keep track of your income.
Last updated
Find all your drafted, sent, and paid invoices under the Invoices tab. You'll see a list of your invoices and their invoice number, the client the invoice was sent to, the date the invoice was created, the date the invoice is due, and the invoice amount. An icon indicates if an invoice was paid or not. A green circle means the invoice was paid, whereas red shows that it is unpaid. You'll also see the invoice status. The status can be paid, sent, draft, or overdue. Via the three dots under actions you can view, download, archive, and delete the invoice. You can also mark an invoice as paid or unpaid manually if you received the payment outside of Stripe or PayPal.
You can filter your invoices by client, project, and status. To view an invoice, either click on a row in the list or choose "view" under actions.
Create a new invoice by clicking the "New Invoice" button. You can create two types of invoices: Based on a project, or a manual invoice.
Creating an invoice based on a project allows you to add hours that you've tracked for this project on Kosmo.
If you just want to create a quick invoice and manually enter the client and items, choose "Manual Invoice".
After choosing the type of invoice, you'll be asked to complete 4 easy steps,
The first step is some general information, like invoice number, sender name and address, and recipient name and address. If you chose to create an invoice based on a project and filled this information out in the client details, the information will be populated automatically. Also choose the currency, date issued, and the due date for your invoice.
Step two is about your invoice items. You can either add invoice items manually or select them from your tracked hours. The second option is only available If you're generating an invoice for a project and tracked hours on Kosmo. Click on "Add Unbilled Hours" and choose the time you'd like to bill from the pop-up window by clicking "Add to Invoice".
To remove tracked time from your invoice click on the arrow next to it and click the red x icon in the popup.
If you realize that the rate you entered originally isn't right, remove the items from your invoice and head back to your project to adjust the rate.
To add invoice items manually enter an item title, the quantity, the unit (weeks, days, months, items, hours, words), and the rate and click the add button. You can edit a manual invoice item by clicking the pencil icon or remove it completely by clicking the red x icon.
Finally, add any taxes that may apply and possible discounts. Once you're happy with the invoiced items, click "Save and Continue".
Your invoice is saved as a draft when you click the "Save and Continue" button.
Choose payment methods & conditions for your invoice in step 3. The payment method options depend on the accounts you connected with Kosmo. You can add your Stripe and PayPal accounts via your settings. You can also enter other payment instructions. For example, if you prefer to get paid via Venmo, enter your info as other payment option in your settings. This option will show as "Custom Payment Method" when choosing your payment method on your invoice. Let your client know of any other information in the conditions and notes section and click "Save and Continue".
If you'd always like to include the same conditions and notes, save the template in your settings.
In step 4, you can choose a style for your invoice. We offer different templates depending on how much branding you'd like to add to your invoice. Choose your favorite style and click "Preview invoice". During this step, you can edit the style by clicking the "Edit Style" button. All templates can be edited to include your brand color. Some templates allow you to upload a logo and header as well.
Save yourself some time by uploading your logo, banner, and brand color in your settings.
Review your invoice and click "Save" to save the invoice as a draft. If you're ready to send the invoice, click "Send Invoice". Enter the recipient's email and a message. Click "Send a Test Email to Yourself" or "Send Email" to send the invoice directly to your client.
The email message for an invoice can be saved as a template in your settings.
When you sent out an invoice, your client will receive an email. The email prompts the client to pay the invoice. The client can review the invoice and click the "Pay Invoice Button" which then informs them of your preferred payment method. The client can also download the invoice.
Once the client paid the invoice with PayPal or Stripe, you'll receive a notification that the client paid the invoice. If you received the payment through a payment method that isn't connected to Kosmo, you can manually mark the invoice as paid. The paid amount will be tracked via your income overview and monthly income goal on your dashboard.